Traditional Yoga


Yoga Classes

Traditional Hatha Yoga offers many physical, mental and emotional benefits for everyone. Our classes, organized into a Traditional Track and a Therapeutic Track, are designed to help you achieve your goals for whatever stage of life you’re in and to help you progress in your practice over time. Classes incorporate breathing practices, physical postures that strengthen and lengthen muscle and connective tissue, increasing joint range of motion, and relaxation techniques. Principles from yoga philosophy are introduced at each level to enhance understanding and deepen your practice. The following class descriptions are intended to give current and potential students a clear idea of what to expect from each class and level.

Classes generally include the following points of practice. Instructors may give verbal and/or “hands on” adjustments:


  • Breath awareness and breathing practices (pranayama)
  • Joints and glands exercises (warm ups)
  • Vinyasa or moving through postures as a flow (e.g. sun salutations)
  • Forward bending poses (calming / stretch back body)
  • Backward bending poses (stimulating / stretch front body)
  • Spinal twists (calming / rejuvenating)
  • Standing poses (strengthen lower body)
  • Balancing poses (build strength and concentration)
  • Upper body strengthening poses (using your own body weight)
  • Core work (strengthen muscles of the trunk)
  • Hip openers (increase flexibility)
  • Inversions (calming or stimulating / rest heart / oxygenate brain)
  • Relaxation (calm & integrate focus / attention inward)

The descriptions below cover the general progression someone might follow when starting with yoga but does not include any of our specialty classes. As you become comfortable in your own practice you will be better able to choose the class type and level that works best for you.

Level 1

gmy-639_Kathleen-headstand_squareA balanced practice that incorporates basic yoga postures, breath awareness and relaxation. Postures are modified to meet individual needs. Vinyasa / Sun Salutation series typically make up 20-30 minutes of class time. Classes may include floor work (seated, reclining or on abdomen), balance poses (using a stability ball or wall as needed), supported inversions using the wall for poses such as such as shoulder stand or half-handstand, core work, gentle back-bends (e.g camel, bridge). Restorative poses end the class (e.g. knees to chest, spinal twists, internal hip rotations) followed by a guided relaxation. Students should be able to sit, kneel, be on abdomen, back or stand with minimal modification. Instructors guide students to develop safe alignment.

Level 2

Builds from Level1 by incorporating new postures and increasingly challenging options. Alignment and form are developed through verbal and hands-on feedback. Length of time for Vinyasa / Sun Salutations may increase to 25-40 minutes of class time. Students should expect less detailed instruction to “get in, be in, and get out” of poses, be comfortable coming into a pose on hearing its name and become attentive to body cues and self-modify as needed. Relaxation segment may include a brief meditation.

Level 3

A challenging class focusing on more advanced postures with emphasis on alignment and form. Integrates breath and movement, increases core strength and cultivates a deepening internal awareness. More advanced philosophical concepts and yogic techniques will be introduced and applied (e.g. bandhas, mudras, pranayama practices). Relaxation segment may include guided or silent meditation. Students should be very familiar with moving in and out of postures, taking a pose upon hearing its name, and be able to modify poses independently.

Mixed Level

This class is appropriate for all levels. Instructors will guide the class through the practice, offering individual students appropriate options.

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10442 Ridgefield Parkway. Richmond
VA 23233, 804.741.5267



Whatever your age or stage in life, we have a class to meet your needs

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A powerful tool to help us relax in an increasingly stressful world

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Series of weekend workshops for general public and yoga teachers

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Teacher Training

Teacher Training

200 and 300 Hour training for yoga teachers.

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