Therapeutic Yoga may incorporate the use of props such as cushions, blankets, blocks, straps, a chair, and stability balls. Particular attention will be paid to keeping the joints safe during yoga practice and applying these principles to daily life. Instructors will give therapeutic verbal and “hands on” adjustments. Classes generally include the following points of practice:
- Breath awareness and breathing practices (pranayama)
- Joints and glands exercises (warm ups)
- Vinyasa or moving through postures as a flow (e.g. sun salutations)
- Forward bending poses (calming / stretch back body)
- Backward bending poses (stimulating / stretch front body)
- Spinal twists (calming / rejuvenating)
- Standing poses (strengthen lower body / grounding)
- Supported & unsupported balance poses (strength and concentration)
- Upper body strengthening (using your own body weight)
- Core work (strengthen muscles of the trunk)
- Hip openers (increase flexibility)
- Supported inversions (calming / rest heart / oxygenate brain)
- Restorative poses (e.g. knees to chest, supported twists)
- Relaxation (calm & integrate focus / attention inward)
Designed for students recovering from injury, illness, inactivity, surgery or other health considerations. Gentle stretches increase range of motion of the musculoskeletal system. Postures develop strength and improve balance. Breath awareness facilitates release of tension and calms the mind. Students will develop the knowledge and body awareness to practice yoga safely.